Overview of Women in World Trade New England

This memo offers a detailed narrative description of WWTNE’s activities – past, present, and
planned – including a) how these activities further the exempt purpose of our organization, b)
when the activity was/will be initiated, and c) where and by whom the activity will be conducted

About Us

Overview of Women in World Trade New England


Women in World Trade, New England (WWTNE) is an independent, nonpartisan association formed in early 2020 with the support of several Consulates and government agencies in New England. A volunteer board of directors governs WWTNE activities. We strive to create opportunities for women who now work – or who aspire to work – in international trade and investment or other global initiatives to grow their networks, learn about current international trade developments and opportunities, and be part of a supportive community.


Learn More about WWTNE Activities at our Events Page Click here.

Activities and Operations

WWTNE’s activities have had and will continue to have either an educational or networking purpose. WWTNE hosts regular events featuring leading women professionals, including webinars, seminars, and networking functions. We also collaborate with other like-minded associations in New England.
The work involved to organize, promote, and run virtual events is carried out entirely by WWTNE
volunteers. In-person events are largely organized by the hosting organization (e.g., staff that support a Consul General’s residence), with WWTNE volunteers at times fulfilling other requirements (e.g., name badge preparation, staffing a sign-in table).
WWTNE’s past events are listed below. WWTNE board members discuss future event ideas during monthly board meetings, and individual board members step up to take ownership of events they propose. While there are exploratory conversations underway with potential event hosts for the fall and holiday season, there are no confirmed future events as of mid-October 2022. A recent communication to the broad WWTNE community invited members to advise us if they may have an interest in future event sponsorship.